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Image by Jake Colling

Women in Ministry

We recognise that being a women in Baptist ministry can bring its own unique challenges. 

We are here to support you in these challenges while being a prophetic, challenging voice to the Baptist Movement in regard to the treatment of women in ministry.


We are seeking to actively engage with Project Violet; which aims to investigate women’s experiences in ministry whilst developing women ministers. The project will help us to understand more fully the theological, missional, and structural obstacles women ministers face in the Baptist community in Great Britain and identify ways forward.

More can be found on the Baptist Webiste here

Sipping Coffee Portrait

Way Forward

Over the next 12 months our priorities are:

  • To set up a network of ordained women in ministry for support and encouragement

  • To identify women in lay leadership in our churches / missions

  • To work with established networks of women ministries in order to encourage and highlight

    accredited ministry

  • To be intentional in encouraging women into senior leadership of our churches and mission

  • To work at having an equal representation of men and women within the trustee board

  • To have a balance of female and male ministers that serve on our committees (such as MinRec, Home Mission Grants etc).

  • To organise a gathering of women in leadership across the association to encourage, challenge and equip them for the unique challenges in their ministry.


Below is the working out of how we are going to put the above into practise:

  • Leadership exposer: for those who would like a wider experience it will be actively encouraged for women in senior roles to be initially exposing other to what they do: attend meeting., conferences, preaching in larger churches.
  • Millennial specific focus on equipping for ministry and leadership roles

  • Young leaders (15-18) coaching and mentoring for ministry and wider leadership

  • Linking with women’s networks across BUGB

  • Encouragement of women preaching and serving in churches in different

    To organise a gathering of women in leadership across the association to encourage, challenge and equip them for the unique challenges in their ministry: this will be day conference of teaching and inspiring. This conference will encourage both ordained and lay women who are encouraged into leadership of serving in leadership for example: community workers, youth & children, CAP centre managers etc

  • Set up a network of ordained women in ministry for support and encouragement: we will set up a Facebook page and WhatsApp group with clear boundaries that the group is for encouragement and sharing of support. This is to work in relationship with the other structures of ministerial support within the NBA.

  • To organise a gathering of women in leadership across the association to encourage, challenge and equip them for the unique challenges in their ministry: we will create a culture of coaching for women in leadership seeking to serve within senior leadership roles in local, national and international church.
    This will mean:

    • bi-monthly coaching sessions online; where women can gather and hear from an inspirational leader focussing on lessons we can learn and over-coming challenges with the opportunity for questions and answers (starting in September 2020)

    • One on one mentoring: based on gifts, passions and visio

The Northern Baptist Association is a Company Limited by Guarantee and not having a share capital.

Number 04340889 and a Registered Charity Number 1092595


NBA Registered Office: 366 Westgate Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 6NX

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