Baptist Together recommends that you renew your training at the appropriate level at least once every four years.
The Excellence in Safeguarding training courses have been designed specifically for Baptist churches to ensure their leaders and workers are able to undertake their roles in the best possible way. If you are looking for something to show to the whole church and to help children engage with safeguarding, there are excellent Level 1 materials available by clicking here:
Who should attend training? The training is for people who hold different roles within the church:
Deacons & Trustees - must do level 2 and level 3
Minister - must do level 2 and level 3
Designated Safeguarding Person - must do level 2 and level 3
Leaders of children's and Adults at Risk work - must do level 2 and level 3
Those working with Adults at Risk (e.g. pastoral visiting, lunch club for people with learning disabilities) - must do level 2
Children & Youth Workers - must do level 2
What is available? There are three levels of training available. We will publish when future training is coming up soon.
Level 1: A video for all people who attend your church - this is available for churches to download and show their members and congregation. Click Here to Download the Film
Level 2: Covers responsibilities to children and Adults at Risk
Level 3: Specific training for Deacons/Trustees, Ministers, Designated People, Children’s/Youth and Pastoral Leaders. BUGB level 2 training must be completed before level 3 training is undertaken.
Click here or on the image below to book your Safeguarding Training Now.